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(A+ Prod Exec) MODEL

The purpose of Analytics Plus Product Executive (A+ Prod Exec) is to provide universities and corporations with a product that is ideal for training with extreme accuracy while in business use.

Depending on the functional level within the organization; license rights are assigned to resources providing a knowledge transfer as designed by the Team Exec PPM experts. Basically, performance metric explanations are provided to resources heightening their awareness as to why the task is being performed at each functional level for the various A Plus Models.

The Dashboards & Briefing Books provide resources more analytical time through real time charts and graphs to increase their knowledge in their functional discipline, leveraging an expert level to capital and tactical performance metrics for resources. Ultimately, it is a In-house Knowledge Champion Tool for resources within the Product Executive's Organization.

Throughout the Product Life Cycle projects are required to be performed during the different stages. The projects are integrated for inclusion in the Project Portfolio Management (PPM2), and the subsidiaries are as follows:

1. Steering Committee (CR) Analytics

2. General Accounting Analytics

3. Capacity Planning Analytics

4. Phase Analytics

5. PMBOK Predictive Analytics

6. Quality Assurance Analytics

7. International Currency Analytics

We have simplified Product Portfolio Management (PPM1) by tracking the portfolio of products offered for sale in the market for the Product Life Cycle; while integrating the Project Portfolio Management (PPM2) application.

Automatic "A+ Prod Exec" -

 Dynamic Product Governance Report

The "Dynamic Product Status Report" tracks the revenue for Product A and Product B while providing Capital Performance Metrics for the following: Return on Investment (ROI), Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Payback Period (PBP), Net Present Value (NPV), Cost Percent (%) & Profit Margin (PM$);  metrics can be customized for industry or corporation commonly used metrics. Tollgates displays automatic color coding for on-target (green) and past due (red) tollgate status updating. This automated  product report is generated simultaneously at the time of weekly performance updating  only requiring analysis with comments by resource responsible for report!  Finally, the comments is equipped with a scroll bar which provides adequate characters to clearly elaborate on disposition.



*Scorecard Objects have Automatic Drill Down Functionality

Automatic "A+ Prod Exec"  -

Dynamic Product & Cost Report

The "Product Revenue & Cost Chart" is simply displaying the a bar chart and stacked bar chart that is included in the application.  The legend below is applicable to the time-frame (June, 2016) and the color coding is displaying the status for the specific point in time in comparison to the goal.  This automated product report is generated simultaneously at the time of weekly performance updating only requiring analysis with comments by resource responsible for report!  



*Scorecard Objects have Automatic Drill Down Functionality

Automatic "A+ Prod Exec"  -

Dynamic Tollgate Percent (%) Complete Report

"Tollgate Percent (%) Complete Report" tracks the progression of products introduction into the marketplace. The Tollgates in this illustration are being parralled for the proof of concept, and is displaying bar charts and gantt charts with automatic color coding as to the disposition of tasks included in phase.



*Scorecard Objects have Automatic Drill Down Functionality

Tour "A+ Prod Exec" Model Functionality

The "A+ PROD EXEC" is a customized model that is tailored to track the performance of company products for the entire Product Life Cycle integrating the "A+ PM Model"  up to the A+ PMO Exec to track fully burdened costs holistically for the company products.

A+ Prod Exec Link:  ​To Be Provided Soon

Capterra* Product Evaluation Link:​ Coming Soon

* Earn 1 Hour Free A+ PPM2 Coaching with a Team Exec PPM Expert by completing a  Capterra Product Evaluation.

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